Ryan White Planning Council
Ryan White Planning Council
The Ryan White Planning Council partners with the Ryan White HIV Services Program to improve health care for PLWH/A in the Transitional Grant Area (TGA). The Council establishes priorities based on need for health services in the TGA, determines the funding amount to be allocated for each service, and creates a comprehensive plan for service delivery. The Council bases these decisions on a comprehensive needs assessment that is updated every three years. The Planning Council assesses the administrative efficiency of the Ryan White HIV Services Program (as the HRSA Grantee) and their own administrative efficiency each year.
Council members are volunteers, appointed by the Mayor of Indianapolis. Council membership includes PLWH/A, provider representatives, and other community members. Standing committees of the Council are: Systems of Care, Consumer Access, Quality Management, Priority Setting and Allocations/Needs Assessment, and Membership/Policy & Procedures. If you are interested in joining the Council, please contact Anna Hail, Planning Council Coordinator. We strongly encourage PLWH/A and people of color to apply.
Planning Council meetings are open to the public and are held on the first Thursday of every other month, beginning with lunch at Noon. If you plan to attend, please RSVP two weeks in advance to Anna Hail so that we can plan accordingly.  Note: If the first Thursday of the meeting month falls on or very near a holiday (such as New Year’s Day or July 4), the meeting is likely to be rescheduled for another time–contact Anna Hail for information. Â